Common Reasons Why People Go See an Allergy Specialist

An allergy specialist is a medical professional who is trained to take care of and treat patients with allergies, asthma, or compromised immune systems. Here are some of the common conditions that allergy specialists help treat. 

Hay fever - Someone who is always sneezing, congested, has a runny nose, and has an itchy nose, mouth, or throat is dealing with allergies. This is a common thing for our allergy specialists to see during the warmer months of the year. This is a condition known as hay fever, and it is triggered by pollen and outdoor mold. Other causes of hay fever that are issues year-round are pet dander and indoor molds. 

Asthma - Asthma is something that can be genetic, or it can develop from a child having a respiratory infection as a child. The cause of asthma is muscle spasms in the airway that inhibit an individual's ability to breathe. Anyone diagnosed with asthma will carry around an inhaler to help them get their ability to breathe back if they stop breathing. If you suspect you may be experiencing symptoms of asthma, you should see an allergy specialist. An allergy specialist will be able to figure out what triggers your symptoms which could be dust, exercise, or weather and temperature. 

Hives and other skin allergies - Any unusual rashes or marks on your skin that look like they could have been caused by a skin care product or food should be looked at by an allergy specialist. An allergy specialist can do an allergy test to figure out what you are allergic to and prescribe you something to help the hives and swelling go down. For more mild hives, you may be told to take an over-the-counter antihistamine to help the hives disappear.  

Skin allergies that do not leave hives, or any other kind of rash will present themselves as itchiness all over your body. Something you can do for itchiness is to take a shower and try to figure out what may have caused you to be itchy. Many people cannot sit in the grass because their skin reacts poorly to the pollen and other allergens hiding in the grass.  

Contact Olean Medical Group to make an appointment with an allergy specialist today. We look forward to helping you feel better by providing you with treatment for your allergy symptoms.